فارسی عربي


Fajr to miss Samurai

Iranian film 'Samurai in Berlin' has cancelled Fajr Film festival screening.

Directed by Mehdi Naderi, the film has not finished the postproduction stage yet and it can’t participate at Fajr filmfest.

Half of the film was captured in scenes in Iran and the other %50 was shot in Berlin.

Big names who appear before the camera in the movie are Hamid Farroknejad, Amir-Mehdi Juleh, Mir-Taher Mazloumi, Houman Haji-Abdollahi, Mitra Hajjar, Gohar Kheirandinsh and Nader Mashayekhi.

'Samurai in Berlin' is considered to be a big change for the director as his previous feature-length film 'Farewell Baghdad' was war-themed.

